Ci impegnamo ad incentivare i nostri agricoltori affinchè adottino pratiche responsabili per l'agricoltura e la loro comunità.

More Money for Cocoa Farming families
Ti trovi qui perché hai scannerizzato l'esclusivo QR code presente sul tuo KitKat®! Siamo felici che tu l’abbia fatto, perché ora possiamo raccontarti in che modo la tua pausa sta contribuendo a fare del bene!
Vedi quel KitKat® che stai sgranocchiando? Fa parte di un programma innovativo che contribuisce al reddito delle famiglie dei coltivatori di cacao in Costa d'Avorio.
L’income accelerator program adotta un approccio unico, incentrato sulla famiglia, con l'ambizione di produrre un impatto reale e duraturo sulla vita e sul futuro di queste famiglie, premiandole per l'attuazione di prassi positive.
More Money for Cocoa Farming families
Proprio come le quattro barrette di un KitKat®, quattro pilastri danno vita a questo programma. Questi pilastri si basano su quattro azioni positive che le famiglie che coltivano il cacao sono incoraggiate a perseguire. Se vengono portate tutte a termine, queste famiglie possono guadagnare fino a 500 euro1 di reddito extra all'anno nei primi due anni di progetto:

1. Favorire la frequentazione scolastica dei loro figli.

2. Migliorare le modalità di coltivazione, ad esempio potando efficacemente gli alberi, per aumentare la produttività dei raccolti.

3. Piantare alberi da frutto e forestali nelle piantagioni di cacao. Ciò fornisce l'ombra necessaria per il cacao, favorendo la resistenza al cambiamento climatico e sostenendo la biodiversità, oltre ad aggiungere, potenzialmente, una ulteriore fonte di reddito per i coltivatori.

4. Dare alle donne la possibilità di avviare attività commerciali e diversificare le fonti di reddito.

More Money for Cocoa Farming families
Vediamo come funziona. Le famiglie dei coltivatori di cacao possono guadagnare 100 euro per ogni obiettivo raggiunto e un ulteriore bonus di 100 euro per il raggiungimento di tutti e quattro gli obiettivi. Non solo, ma gli incentivi dell’income accelerator program si aggiungono al sostegno già fornito agli agricoltori per il cacao certificato Rainforest Alliance attraverso il Nestlé® Cocoa Plan.
Ma aspetta, sappiamo cosa stai pensando. Come vengono pagati esattamente questi incentivi? La risposta è: direttamente nelle mani delle famiglie dei coltivatori di cacao. Ognuno di essi viene diviso in parti uguali tra i due genitori. Offriamo pagamenti tramite telefono cellulare, in modo che tutto sia semplice e trasparente. Inoltre, questi incentivi non dipendono dalle dimensioni dell'azienda agricola; quindi, anche le aziende più piccole possono ottenerli, assicurandoci che nessun agricoltore venga lasciato indietro.
Offrendo benefici finanziari immediati, contribuiamo a migliorare la vita delle famiglie dei coltivatori di cacao, e delle generazioni future.
Finora, il programma ha coinvolto 10.000 famiglie1 di coltivatori di cacao (e non solo) in Costa d'Avorio. Ma non si ferma qui! Questo è un passo avanti, con l'ambizione di espandere ulteriormente la portata del programma. Puntiamo a farlo, innanzitutto, estendendo la copertura in Costa d'Avorio ed entrando in Ghana, per poi puntare a raggiungere 160.000 famiglie di coltivatori di cacao nella nostra filiera entro il 2030.

We're helping women gain more control over their money, families and communities. And through this, addressing wider gender inequality in Côte d'Ivoire.
More Power to Woman
L’Income Accelerator Program non riguarda solo il cacao: vogliamo che anche far crescere le persone. È universalmente noto che quando le donne hanno un ruolo più attivo nella società, tutti ne traggono beneficio.
Nelle comunità di coltivatori di cacao, è ancora comune che le donne dipendano completamente dal marito dal punto di vista finanziario. E purtroppo questo è influenzato da un più ampio squilibrio di parità tra i sessi. Se le donne avessero il potere di prendere decisioni e di sostenere le loro famiglie con un reddito secondario, non solo rafforzerebbero le famiglie, ma svolgerebbero anche un ruolo importante nella lotta al lavoro minorile.

Ecco quindi un altro modo in cui vogliamo sostenere le 10.000 famiglie di coltivatori di cacao in Costa d'Avorio. Stiamo dando alle donne di queste comunità maggiori opportunità di successo.
Stiamo adottando un approccio olistico che si articola su due pilastri principali: dividere equamente gli incentivi tra i capifamiglia e fornire formazione sulla parità di genere e sulla diversificazione del reddito.
Per promuovere l'autonomia finanziaria delle donne, gli incentivi del programma di accelerazione del reddito sono divisi al 50% tra i due capifamiglia.
La percentuale della donna viene inviata direttamente a lei tramite un bonifico.

L'obiettivo? Incoraggiare l'uguaglianza di genere, aiutare i partner a condividere le responsabilità finanziarie e, in ultima analisi, costruire famiglie più resistenti.
Stiamo formando le donne ad avviare piccole imprese o attività che portino un secondo reddito alla famiglia. Tra queste figurano l'apicoltura, l'allevamento di bestiame come i polli e la vendita di ortaggi provenienti da orti gestiti dalla comunità.
L’Income Accelerator Program distribuisce poi un incentivo di 100 euro per la diversificazione del reddito, un ottimo trampolino di lancio per sviluppare una nuova idea imprenditoriale.
Anche in questo caso, i soldi vengono inviati in modo sicuro direttamente alle donne.
Ma la giustizia di genere non è solo una questione femminile. Utilizzando la metodologia del Gender Action Learning System, stiamo formando donne e uomini a riconoscere che possono ottenere di più e vivere meglio se lavorano insieme. Una donna può coltivare. Un uomo può aiutare in casa. Insieme possono assicurarsi che i loro figli siano al sicuro, nutriti, amati e istruiti.

Abbiamo anche aiutato a creare associazioni di risparmio e prestito all'interno delle comunità. Autogestiti e autocapitalizzati, questi programmi incentrati sulle donne incoraggiano il risparmio e forniscono prestiti a piccole attività commerciali. Con l'abbattimento delle barriere finanziarie e il rafforzamento della fiducia in se stesse, le donne possono diventare artefici del cambiamento nelle loro comunità.

More Trees Planted
Cocoa trees also love company
You’re here because you’ve scanned the unique QR code on your KitKat®.
Well, we’re glad you did because now we can tell you all about the good your break is helping to do!
See that KitKat you’re currently munching on?
It’s part of an innovative programme that, among other things, allocates forest and fruit trees to the cocoa-farming families in Côte d’Ivoire and incentivizes them for planting and maintaining the trees.
By rewarding the families for positive agricultural practices, it not only increases their income, but also benefits the local environment too.

More Trees Planted
Before we go into the roots...
Before we go into the roots of the income accelerator programme, let’s talk about what we have achieved so far. In 2022 alone, the Nestle Cocoa Plan distributed over 1 million fruit and forest trees. That’s six zeros!
Before we go into the roots of the income accelerator programme, let’s talk about what we have achieved so far. In 2022 alone, the Nestle Cocoa Plan distributed over 1 million fruit and forest trees. That’s six zeros!

Why is this so important, you may ask?
Well, additional fruit and forest trees provide much needed shade for the cocoa trees, reducing the impact of climate change.
What’s more, planting a varied range of trees helps support the biodiversity of the area, improves soil health and in turn support the local ecosystem. So you could say, they are literally good company to the cocoa.

So how does it work within the income accelerator?
We incentivise farmers to plant a minimum of 10 trees on one hectare in the first year. Like our chocolate bars, the process is neatly wrapped up. We deliver the trees to the cocoa farms, and once they’re planted, the incentive is delivered directly in the hands of the cocoa-farming family through mobile payment.
Even better, these incentives are the same regardless of farm size, so even those with the smallest of farms can earn, ensuring that no farmer is left behind. Our involvement doesn’t stop once the trees are planted. With the support of our partners, we check in on the trees to make sure they are growing and thriving.

More Trees Planted
How many more trees have been planted within the income accelerator?
We aimed to plant 100,000 trees in year one, but we’ve already planted over 200,000.
We plan to keep this number growing and growing – like our trees – with our ambition to plant another 300,000 trees in the next year. We believe that the more forest and fruit trees that are planted, the better it will be for cocoa farmers, their families and of course, the cocoa too.
So far, the programme has been rolled out to 10,000 cocoa-farming families (and counting) in Côte d’Ivoire. It doesn’t stop there though! This is a step on the road with the ambition to expand the programme’s reach even further. First by extending our coverage in Côte d’Ivoire and entering in Ghana and then aiming to reach 160,000 cocoa-farming families in our supply chain by 2030.

Helping kids into school
Helping Kids Break into Education
You’re here because you’ve scanned the unique QR code on your KitKat (or maybe you just Googled it).
Well, we’re glad you did because now we can tell you all about the good your break is helping to do!
See that KitKat you’re currently munching on?
It’s part of an innovative program that increases income for cocoa-farming families in Côte d’Ivoire and supports their kids going to school. The income accelerator programme takes a unique, family-centred approach, with the ambition to deliver real and long-lasting impact to cocoa-farming families’ lives and futures. This innovative programme rewards the families for taking actions that not only help them increase their income, but also benefit the local environment and their community.

Helping kids into school
All parents hope for a brighter future for their kids, which ultimately starts with an education.
We want to support cocoafarming families’ kids to keep learning in school– or, in some cases, just get started.
We’ve learned a lot from the Nestlé Cocoa Plan which, since 2012, has helped protect 156,974 from the risk of child labour. The income accelerator programme now goes even further by incentivising families to enrol their kids in school, so we can make sure that the cost of schooling is no longer a major barrier to children’s education.

Within the income accelerator programme, cocoa farming-families can earn up to €100 for sending their kids to school. 50% of this is paid upfront, upon commitment from the parents to enrol their kids. The remaining 50% is paid, once it has been confirmed that their kids have been attending school regularly.
That’s it. And best of all, we pay this incentive directly in the hands of cocoafarming families, through mobile phone payments. It’s simple, it’s transparent and quick. We also support the kids by making sure they have what they need at school, such as providing school kits of stationery, pencils and books and school canteen subsidies.

Helping kids into school
By incentivising school attendance, we’re aiming to help many more kids kickstart their education.
So far, the program has been rolled out to 10,000 cocoafarming families (and counting) in Côte d’Ivoire.
It doesn’t stop there though! This is a step on the road to expand the program’s reach first in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana and then aiming to reach 160,000 cocoa-farming families in our supply chain by 2030.

Sustainably Sourced Cocoa
It is time to let you in on a secret…
Contrary to what you might think, cocoa pods aren't just a one-stop-shop for chocolate. They're transformed into several delicious ingredients that play an important role in your chocolate bar. They're the source of cocoa butter, cocoa powder, cocoa nibs and cocoa mass.
To make it a little easier to understand, check out the snappy visual we have below...

Sustainably Sourced Cocoa
Our ambition behind sustainably sourced cocoa
Our story begins with sustainably sourced cocoa, the most delicious ingredient in our KitKat® bars. But wait a minute, what does it actually mean?
Let’s break it down from the moment the cocoa pod starts growing on the tree to the final bite of your chocolate treat.
Since the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan was launched in 2009, we’ve been working in collaboration with cocoa-farming families to implement practices that aim to improve livelihoods in cocoa-farming communities. This includes practices such as helping cocoa farmers improve yields and quality through training and resources, as well as helping communities thrive by empowering women and promoting greater access to education.
KitKat® was the first global brand at Nestlé® to source all its cocoa from the Nestlé Cocoa Plan including certified farms*. This was the first step and paved the way for our sustainable cocoa supply chain today. But before going into more details, let’s focus on the cocoa pod.
* Cocoa sourced through the Nestlé Cocoa Plan includes volumes of Rainforest Alliance certified cocoa and Nestlé Cocoa Plan verified mass balance. Mass balance means that we purchased a volume of certified cocoa equivalent to the volume used in the product.

Sustainably Sourced Cocoa
But what does this have to do with sustainable cocoa?
Glad you asked, time to get into the details. We’ve done a lot with the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan since 2009 and of course, we’ve learnt a lot too. These solid foundations allowed us to launch the innovative income accelerator programme and our ambition is to improve the livelihoods of cocoa-farming families.
The program rewards cocoa-farming families not just for the quantity and quality of their cocoa beans, but also for practices that can benefit the environment and local community. So far, the program has been rolled out to 10,000 cocoa-farming families (and counting) in Côte d’Ivoire. It doesn’t stop there though! This is a step on the road with the ambition to expand the program’s reach even further. First by extending our coverage in Côte d’Ivoire and entering in Ghana and then aiming to reach 160,000 cocoa-farming families in our supply chain by 2030.
The cocoa mass we use in our “Breaks For Good” KitKat® bars comes from the income accelerator programme and is traceable from the group of farmers right through to our KitKat® factories in Hamburg and Sofia.
What does that mean?
This is the exciting part. One way to think of it is that the cocoa beans from the program are isolated from the other beans to guarantee full segregation. It is like if they were travelling with a sort of virtual passport, which gets stamped at every stage of the cocoa's journey.
In this way we know that the cocoa mass in your KitKat bar has come from this innovative programme and can assure it has been sustainably sourced, including a Rainforest Alliance certification. This is a first step towards full segregation of our cocoa ingredients as we continue working with our suppliers to increase segregated volumes and building on the expansion of the income accelerator program.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? So, this might explain it better: